Saturday, 26 March 2016

Updates on Tumblr and Twitter

This is just a quick reminder to anyone glancing over this blog that sometimes I post a little faster to Tumblr and then mirror the better posts on here (Blogger) when I get to a PC. This is partly because the apps I use for Blogger on the iPad are just atrocious when in comes to editing or pasting content.   I have less problems with Tumblr (which in turn can be convolted in a PC web browser).

Sometimes I growl on Twitter as well.
( @FailingMHblog )

Thanks for reading.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Teen who thinks he is in prison can leave psych unit (BBC 6.3.16)

Teen who thinks he is in prison can leave psych unit 
BBC Health 6.3.16

-----Text follows in case BBC re-edits story ----

Matthew Garnett: Teen who thinks he's in prison can leave psych unit

Matthew GarnettPA
Matthew Garnett is staying on a ward that is unequipped to care for him, his family said

A 15-year-old with autism who believes he is being held in prison after being sectioned is to be moved to a treatment unit, following a campaign. 

Matthew Garnett was removed from his home in south London in September after attacking his father.

He was placed in a unit normally used for short-term emergency admissions, resulting in his family campaigning for him to be moved.

NHS England said he would be moved within weeks.

'Six-month jail sentence'

It said Matthew would be transferred from the psychiatric ward in Woking, Surrey, to St Andrew's Healthcare in Northampton, which specialises in treating patients with autism.

Writing on petition website, his mother Isabelle Garnett said: "For the last six months he has been denied this, trapped, alone, in a place unequipped to look after him."

"What I was promised would be a six-week pit stop has become a six-month jail sentence," she continued.

Matthew Garnett with his familyPA
Matthew's family started a social media campaign to try to help their son using the hashtag #makeroomformatthew

His move has been held up by other patients awaiting transfers out of the facility, although to date more than 150,000 people have signed the family's petition calling for Matthew to be taken off the psychiatric ward.

His father Robin Garnett said he now wanted to see words become actions.

No admission date

Matthew "thinks he's in prison and is being punished for attacking us," he said.

His son has learning difficulties, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and "like a toddler" is unable to control his emotions, Mr Garnett added. 

A spokesman for NHS England said: "We have every sympathy for Matthew and his family and we understand that this has been a very difficult time.

"It has been confirmed that Matthew will be moved to St Andrew's, where he will be able to receive the specialist care that he needs. We anticipate this will happen in a matter of weeks but cannot confirm an admission date at this point."