Thursday, 2 April 2015


I haven't posted for a while about J's care at the hospital. Many difficult things have been happening including her being sectioned for running for the door, a variety of types of self harm.  There's a refusal by a doctor to increase her medication after taking her off other medication and there is ongoing bullying from another patient.
By way of contrast the nursing staff are being sensitive and compassionate.

I finally got to talk to a service manager about the road incident. But they feel we can't progress until she gets a statement from Dr D who is still away on leave.

J is now sectioned under the mental health act which means  that contrary to what the care plan originally stated the staff are now willing to keep her safe when she is suicidal or in danger of self harm. This is a good thing. Because she has said that if she was given the choice to leave the ward she would immediately proceed to the nearby road in order to end her life.  Despite saying this she is cooperating with her care but she does not believe recovery is possible. I don't want to write too much because I'm trying to save as much time for myself not worrying and thinking about mental health care all the time. It's very difficult for both of us at the moment. But hey we've been through so much already I guess that means we are both survivors.

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